Monday, September 28, 2009

Radio Reaps Rewards at Texas High School

When I was in college, I had a little radio program called, "Rainbow Connection". At that time, it had no other connotation other than Kermit the frog's song, and I loved the colors of a rainbow. If I could have become a D.J., I would have. I even made a demo tape for a local station here in California that had advertised for new talent. Unfortunately, I was too chicken to send it in...could have been a lost opportunity.

This high school offers students training and online radio experience. How wonderful! The interviewer questions whether training students in radio in the age of the iPod has any relevance to young peoples' lives? He asks, "Isn't this like training them to be steelworkers or something?" His question is relevant. Due to the amazing advances in technology, is radio becoming outdated?

Personally, I love radio, especially talk radio. Podcasts are great, but isn't radio a bit like an old-fashioned podcast that is 'live'? Hopefully there will be a place for both. I wish my high school had had such a program! Thankfully I had the experience for a short time in college and it is still one of my fondest memories. I think I even had a few fans...memories!


  1. It's interesting that every form of communication invented so far, be it TV, Radio, Newspaper, Books, Movies, Phones etc... all have complimented what has come before. The Internet is unique in that it is capable of replacing everything that has come before. That changes everything... Keep up the blogging Diane!

  2. Ever since communication technology started growing radio is the constant part of that growth. Even today radio is an effective medium of communication for army and police.
