Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hello World!

The lack of belief is a defect that ought to be concealed when it cannot be overcome.
Jonathan Swift

Some say, "Fake it 'til you make it!" I've never been a very good concealer. It's not my favorite thing about myself. I know this isn't really a 'personal' blog, but ever since reading the Web 2.0 text for class, I'm feeling the need for greater connection. It occurs to me that in order to be heard, one must have something to say. I'm still unsure of so much.

Am I the only one who reads theory, great ideas, and the plethora of words that are supposed to help me be a better educator, but still feel I'm coming up short? Every day I work with my students, I want them to be blessed, to grow, to be excited about learning. Yet, I'm tired, and not at my best.

Then again, what is my best? Have I reached that? Have any of us?

I know I struggle with a perfectionism that hinders my ability to see the bright side sometimes. We all need to believe we have a purpose, a positive impact on our world. I may be trying too hard, or just need to let it go.

Thomas Edison said, "I haven't failed, I just found 10,000 ways that didn't work." Am I truly recognizing what does not work?

John C. Lilly said, "Whatever one believes to be true either is true or becomes true in one's mind." Hmmmmmm!

One of the limitations I feel is that of time, choices about how it is spent. When one part of my life suffers because of those choices, the consequences can be hard to face.

Belief is like either a fragile butterfly, or a solid rock. The butterfly has movement, but the rock stays firm. There is room for both, I believe. Right now, I'm fluttering a bit.

All quotes from I have their cool app for my iPhone!


  1. I don't know if you remember this from Ken Robinson's talk, but he said "If you aren't prepared to be wrong, you will never create anything new." Sometimes it is better to leap before looking. (or take a quick peek first) You are very brave Diane and I am sure you are going to do great this year!

  2. of course it seems Ken was paraphrasing Einstein apparently. Your Einstein quotes is showing me:
    "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein. lol

  3. I like the santence that Edison says "I haven't failed, I just found 10,000 ways that didn't work." It inspired me lot.
